How Are Cremation Services Good For The Environment?

Posted on July 13, 2020 by Mission Park Funeral Home under Cremation Services
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Cremation services in San Antonio, TX

If you care about the environment and want to make sure that any funerals you plan, protect it, you may want to consider cremation services. Cremation services in San Antonio, TX are a great way to give your loved one a respectful funeral without worrying about harming the planet. There are many reasons people choose cremation over traditional funerals and burials and one of those reasons is because they want to protect the earth. If you feel the same, you may want to think about some of the ways cremation can help protect the environment.

No Chemicals

When you have a traditional burial or funeral, the body needs to be prepared. The requires a lot of different chemicals and embalming fluid. While these things have been used for decades to prevent fast decomposition of the body, they are not safe for the environment. They can be very harmful and can cause the plants, animals, and insects around the burial spot to become ill. There is no need to preserve the body for cremation, so there’s no reason to use chemicals or embalming fluid. Instead, the body is processed quickly and naturally.

Fewer Resources

It takes a lot of resources to provide everything needed for a funeral. The casket requires the use of a lot of wood or plastic. The land around the burial plot is moved and disturbed, and there is a need for a headstone once the burial is complete. If you don’t feel good about using all these resources for your funeral, you may be looking for something that requires fewer resources, but still allows you to give your loved one a proper goodbye. Be sure to consider cremation instead. It requires much fewer resources and allows you to feel good about protecting the environment.

Takes Up Less Space

When you have to bury a loved one, you have to use space in a cemetery. Cemeteries clear out a lot of land that would otherwise be used by animals. These natural habitats are taken away from animals who need them. Cemeteries often use land that was set aside for animals or as natural areas. When you choose cremation over a traditional funeral, you are helping save some of this space and helping provide more habitats for the animals that need them. While you may not think one cremation makes a difference, it does.

green funerals

If you are worried about the environment and need to bury a love done or plan your own funeral, you may want to consider cremation instead of a traditional burial. There are many ways cremation can help protect the environment and it is important for you to be aware of these ways. If you need help planning a funeral or cremation, you can call Mission Park Funeral Chapels, Cemeteries & Crematories. We are here to help you with all your funeral planning and cremation needs. We will work with you to plan a funeral that meets all your needs and ensure your family is comfortable with the cremation services in San Antonio, TX.

Mission Park Funeral Home

Mission Park Funeral Chapels & Cemeteries is defined by the commitment and compassion of family service since 1907. We believe in personal attention and uncompromised quality, and are very proud of our traditions, facilities and the personal services that we provide.