How To Use Candles In Funeral Services At Funeral Homes In Boerne, TX
Candles are just one of the many things you can use in funeral services at funeral homes in Boerne, TX, and make them more personal and add something memorable for the family. There are many different ways you can use candles in service and it is a nice way to add some better lighting to the service. You may have many reasons you want to use candles but be looking for something special. Here are some tips to help.
Memory Table
If you are planning to have something special at the services, a memory table might be the best option. You can create a memory table with the help of your friends and family members. A memory table Is just a small table that contains items that meant something special to the deceased or that the family finds special and important. You can display the table at the funeral home and let everyone have a part in designing or creating it. You can display the candles all around the table to draw attention to it and just create a soft light that compliments photos and other things on the table.
Special Ceremonies
If you are thinking that you want to make sure the cremation is special and that your family gets all the closure they need, you might need to have a special religious ceremony that help you deal with the loss. You can use candles in these services. Some ceremonies call for the use of certain types or colors of candles so you might want to think about what that ceremony calls for before you start making your plans and start picking out the candles you will use.
Not all funeral homes have the lighting you might want for a funeral. While most can dim and adjust the lights as needed to meet your needs. You can use the candles with the lighting in the funeral home or you can use the candles as an alternative to the lighting. You can choose to light them throughout the entire service or you might just want to light them at one time so you can use them for a special moment or to symbolize something important during the ceremony.
If you are thinking about using candles in your services at funeral homes in Boerne, TX you have a lot of options and ways you can do so. You may already have an idea of what you will you use them for or you might be looking for ideas that will inspire you to use them. You can keep the above tips in mind when making your plans. When it comes time to start planning the funeral service, be sure to contact Mission Park Funeral Chapels, Cemeteries & Crematories. We are happy tp help you with all your funeral planning needs. Give us a call to learn more about all the services we offer and how they can benefit your family.
Mission Park Funeral Home
Mission Park Funeral Chapels & Cemeteries is defined by the commitment and compassion of family service since 1907. We believe in personal attention and uncompromised quality, and are very proud of our traditions, facilities and the personal services that we provide.